I'm so excited! I really can't believe that I am celebrating The Vintage Bubble's 2nd birthday at my shop The Wrong End of Town! And you can even celebrate with me as I've brewed my very own anniversary beer and guess what it's called....'The Wrong End of Town!'.

What an achievement!
They say that the first 18 months of a new business are the toughest and it hasn't been an easy journey, but I've made it to 2 years! So a massive thank you for all your support and love for my products, as well as letting me get my creative juices flowing by designing bespoke items, just for you! I really couldn't have done it without you all...

I do love working with other local businesses and what better way to celebrate than with an anniversary brew! It's a dark beer with a twist - a peanut butter infused stout! If you're local to Dover, then give it a try at The Breakwater Brewery on Lorne Road.
I even made the local paper! Yay!

Enough about the beer...
So what else has been going on at The Vintage Bubble? I really love designing new and interesting items for my customers and here are some of my recent favourites. The 7 Year Copper Anniversary frame - a popular online seller for those looking for a bespoke gift for their 7 year anniversary. My bespoke wooden toy boxes are always a pleasure to make as every single box I have made has been unique. And lastly I do love a bit of rustic woodwork and my AM PM 'how to tell the time' plaques. There seem to be a lot of customers who live by this AM PM rule! Do you live by this too?

It's nearly the end of term!
So what do you get for their teachers? I have a range of items that can be personalised for those special teachers, here are a few of my favourites.... Personalised tote bags, Thank you apple keyrings and Enjoy this bottle tags. Thinking of getting something for your little ones teacher? Why not ask me to make something personalised for them? There's still time!

Did you also know I do tshirt printing? But not just tshirts...I do hoodies, hen and stag do tops, workwear, sports tops, charity tops, high vis vests and more! Why not message me to find out more?